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7 Tips To Make The Most Money From A Yard Sale

If you’re looking to clean up clutter and cash in at the same time, a yard sale is the answer.
Follow these tips to maximize your earnings.

1. Use the right words.

Something as simple as using the right words in your yard sale ads and signs can bring in the most customers looking to spend. Here are some keywords to use, depending on what you have to sell:

  • Items with wear and tear – Call them “vintage” or “antique.”
  • Expensive items – Say you’re having an “estate” or “moving” sale.
  • Old items like books, toys, movies – Call them “rare collectibles.”
  • Brand-name items like electronics and clothes – Say you have “luxury” or “designer” items for sale.

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By simply using such words to describe your yard or garage sale, you can attract the best customers and frame your items as having higher value so you can snag better prices.

2. Post your ad at the right time.

What happens if you post an ad for a Saturday/Sunday yard sale that goes live on a Friday? Someone who sees it may have already made weekend plans, which will keep them from attending.

According to the experts, posting your ad on the Monday or Tuesday before the sale is your best bet. This will give potential visitors time to plan ahead so they can attend. Then, as a reminder, post the ad again the day before.

3. Use the right colors.

You want passersby to stop at your yard sale, and including red is one of the easiest ways to make that happen. According to studies, red is the best color to make drivers stop. That may have to do with the fact that red is the same color as a Stop sign, and it tends to stand out.

Tie red balloons to your mailbox so it sticks out and there’s no confusion as to where the yard sale is happening on the street. Use red tablecloths or sheets for your displays too. In doing so, some suggest you can automatically charge up to 10 percent more, simply by using red.

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4. Offer a freebie.

To hook customers and get them looking at everything you have to offer, have a giveaway box. Fill it with toys and other trinkets you don’t mind giving away so you can get people “in the door.”

5. Research retail prices.

Many people visit yard sales because they want great deals. You can show visitors just how great a deal they’re getting by listing retail prices next to your sale price. This tip works particularly well with high-end items like electronics.

6. Include a story.

Nostalgia can sell items with ease. Do you have a pair of earrings that were worn by someone famous? Does an item have a fascinating history? If so, write it down on a notecard, and you’ll be more likely to sell the item.

7. Add urgency.

People will buy something due to their fear of missing out. You can take advantage of this by adding in some urgency. For example, make a sign that says, “Going on eBay at 7 pm!” If visitors see that your items will be placed for sale online, they may snatch them up before the Internet audience can.