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Lower Your Next Energy Bill by Making These 4 Moves

Want to see a lower energy bill in the mail? Follow these four simple tips to make it happen.

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What’s one piece of mail you never want to open, but have to? Your energy bill. Because while it may be high, failing to open and pay it will leave you and your family in the dark.

You may feel helpless when it comes to your electricity bill. You may feel as if it only goes up and never goes down. As long as you follow these simple tips, you can take control of your bill and watch it go down every month.

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Cut Cooling and Heating Costs with a Programmable Thermostat

It may have an upfront cost that can put a dent in your wallet now, but installing a programmable thermostat can keep cash in your wallet later.

Having a programmable thermostat is ideal when you’re not home. Just program it, and it will automatically adjust your cooling and heating settings while you’re away.

For example, you can set the thermostat to 78 degrees during your work hours, since you won’t need your house to be so cool with no one in it. So it’s cool the minute you walk into your door after a long day at work, you can set the thermostat to 75 one hour before your arrival.

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Optimize Your Energy Efficiency with Power Strips

Some electronic devices can use electricity even when they’re turned off. Over time, this unnecessary usage can add up. With a power strip, you can eliminate phantom charges on such devices by turning its switch off.

To save even more money, put smart power strips throughout your home. They can manage electricity flow on devices in a logical manner. 

For instance, your DVD player might be usable only if your television is on first. If it isn’t, the smart power strip will avoid any wasted electricity running to the player until the TV is turned on and the DVD player can be used for its intended function.

Adjust Your Hot Water Heater

Do you ever feel as if your water is too hot? Maybe you burn your hands when washing dishes, or it gets uncomfortably hot when in the shower. If so, it may be time to turn down the temperature on your hot water heater.

A big chunk of your family’s energy costs are linked to the hot water heater – 14 percent to be exact. By adjusting the temperature to a level that’s not so scorching, you can save your skin while saving money.

What’s an ideal temperature setting? Around 125 degrees Fahrenheit. Any hotter than that may not be needed.

Want to save even more on your hot water heating costs? Install a water heater blanket that will keep in the heat. 

Like a programmable thermostat, the blanket has an upfront cost. As time passes, however, it will more than pay for itself by reducing waste.

Unplug Devices You’re Not Using

You probably know that turning off the lights, TV, or other devices when they’re not in use is a solid money-saving practice. What about unplugging them, though?

Since most devices draw electricity just from being plugged in, you should unplug them when they’re not being used. Avoiding these phantom charges can result in noticeable reductions in your monthly utility bill, especially if you have a ton of devices plugged in.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]