AHR - American Hope Resources

Need Section 8 Now? Try These Tips

A Section 8 voucher can fix your finances by making rent incredibly affordable, but with waiting lists so long, you may be wondering if this program is right for you.

If so, know that there are ways to accelerate the process, and you’ll find them here.

Paying high rent on a low income can seem like a nightmare. And with rent prices going up at an astronomical rate, you may be wondering if you’ll have to live with friends and family or become homeless since you can’t afford to pay your landlord.

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That’s where the Section 8 program can come in handy, as it can limit the amount of rent you pay to just 30 percent of your income. The rest of your rent payment gets picked up by the government and goes directly to your landlord, so you can live in safe housing while saving significant cash.

The Importance Of Applying For Section 8 Now

Since Section 8 makes rent so affordable, there are plenty of applicants for the program. What does this lead to? Long waiting lists, with some reportedly taking as much as 10 years to process. That’s why if you want a housing voucher, now is the time to apply.

To apply for Section 8, go here and find your local PHA.

How To Speed Up The Section 8 Process

Nobody can wait years for affordable housing, as they probably need that voucher assistance right now. Here are some ways to get housing assistance a lot quicker than simply staying on a waiting list and hoping for the best.

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1. Ask your PHA about waitlist preferences.

Certain situations can help you move up a waitlist quicker. For instance, if you live in substandard housing, pay over half of your income towards rent, are homeless, have been affected by a natural disaster, or have suffered from domestic violence, you could move up the Section 8 line a lot faster.

When contacting your PHA, ask about their specific waitlist preferences. The more that applies to your situation, the better.

2. Contact as many PHAs as possible.

You can begin the Section 8 application process by contacting your nearest PHA. To get the most bang for your buck, though, contact as many as you can. You can do this by contacting PHAs in your city, nearby cities, county, and state. As you do so, you’ll find that some PHAs are faster, which is why making this move is essential.

3. Apply to as many waitlists as possible.

If one waitlist is closed or extremely long, don’t fret. Small cities usually have 10 waitlists you can apply to, while bigger cities have as many as 50. The more you contact and apply to, the better your chances of getting a voucher faster.

4. Apply directly to buildings.

Some affordable housing buildings can get you a lovely apartment with cheap rent without the need for a voucher. To find such buildings, try the following avenues:

  1. Use this map to find affordable housing near you.
  2. Google “affordable housing” in your city.
  3. Ask various PHAs if they have contact lists for affordable housing buildings.