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These Energy-Saving Tips Are Easy And Effective At Cutting Costs

Your energy bill is one of your most significant monthly expenses. Here are some easy ways to lower it so you can stretch your income.

Use Dryer Balls

Doing the laundry can run up your electric bill, which is why you should try to dry clothes using the sunlight. A drying rack costs next to nothing and avoids the issue of having to use an energy-hogging dryer every few days.

Is this feasible for every family? No, as you may have too many people in your household or live in an apartment where drying racks aren’t really usable. If this is the case, buy some cheap wool dryer balls to cut down on energy use.

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Dryer balls separate your clothes. This makes them dry faster so you can minimize dryer usage. As a bonus, some wool dryer balls let you add essential oils to make your clothes smell incredible once you’re done.

Charge on the Go

What does a reliable car charger cost on Amazon? Next to nothing, so make that tiny investment and start charging some of your electric devices in the car while you drive. This will eliminate the need to charge things at home, which will cut your electricity costs.

Use Motion Sensors

Do you have issues with family members who can’t remember to turn the lights off when they leave a room? If so, light motion sensors could be the answer to this problem.

The concept behind light motion sensors is simple: When they sense someone nearby, they turn the lights on. When nobody is around, the lights go off.

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As you can imagine, this is a great way to save electricity and minimize your bill, even if there’s a bit of an upfront investment involved.

Change How You Store Food in the Fridge

Do you toss food in your refrigerator without giving it much thought? That can increase energy usage and drive up your electric bill without you even knowing it, so do this:

  1. Don’t put hot food in the fridge – It forces your refrigerator to exert itself to keep everything cool. Let the food cool down before refrigerating it, and it won’t upset the balance or require extra electricity.
  2. Cover your food before putting it in the fridge – What do uncovered drinks and meals do to a refrigerator? They create condensation, which triggers the need for more electricity so the refrigerator can cool down. Cover your food and drinks, and you’ll use less electricity and enjoy more freshness.

Stop Preheating

Do you have a recipe with lengthy cook times? Then don’t preheat the oven, as it doesn’t make much of a difference in the final result and just wastes energy by being empty.

Opt for the Microwave Over the Oven

An oven is twice as costly to run as a microwave, and it takes longer to cook your food. Also, ovens can increase the temperature in your home, which will increase your cooling costs.

Use the microwave more often, and you should see your electric bill decrease.