AHR - American Hope Resources

Where To Find Affordable Eye Exams And Free Eyeglasses for Low-Income Families

Good vision is a must, which is why you should keep reading to see where to find affordable eye exams and even free eyeglasses for low-income families.

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When you can barely make ends meet, there’s little wiggle room in your budget for new expenses. When those expenses are necessities, however, you must do everything you can to stretch every dollar you have.

There are a few more critical necessities than eye care. But due to the high cost of routine eye exams and eyeglasses, paying for these needs may seem impossible if you’re on a limited budget.

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While finding affordable eye care may seem tough, specific programs exist that offer no-cost eye exams plus free eyeglasses for low-income families.

Here are some of the most popular ones that you should look at now:


The VISION USA program used to give free eye exams to those in need. A visit to their website shows that they no longer do this.

Why do they get a mention on this list? Because their website offers a host of resources you can use to get those eye exams you need, as well as free eyeglasses for low-income households.

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Go to VISION USA’s homepage and click on the menu buttons on the left to see national and state eye care programs that can offer the help you require.

Some of the resources you’ll see on their page will be ones you see on this list.

2. EyeCare America

Eligible seniors can get eye exams at no cost through this program that’s sponsored by the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Even better, any disease spotted during the complimentary exam will be treated for up to one year after the diagnosis for free.

3. InfantSEE

The first year of your child’s life is crucial in terms of their vision. Thanks to the InfantSEE program, you can ensure their vision is optimal with a free eye exam.

4. New Eyes

This nonprofit organization has been around since the 1930s has supplied over eight million pairs of free eyeglasses for low-income families across the globe.

Both children and adults can get the glasses they need from New Eyes at no cost. The program has also given indigent people from developing nations help via donated glasses that they recycle.

To see how to qualify for complimentary eyeglasses from New Eyes, visit their website.

5. Sight for Students

Children who are uninsured and from low-income households can get both eye exams and eyeglasses for free from Sight for Students.

6. Other forms of affordable eye care

You may get eye exam coverage for your children via Medicaid. To see what Medicaid covers in your state, do an online search for “Medicaid” and your state’s name.

For example, if you live in Florida and want to see if you can get help with eye care there, search for “Medicaid Florida.”

If Medicaid is not an option, check with the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to see if they can offer free eye exams for your kids.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]